
About LogonTutor

LogonTutor connects students with local and online tutors for academic subjects, K-12 and college. LogonTutor offers its customers private tutors by profile information, in-depth background checks and references.

We have a passion for helping students. We strive to serve students by assisting them to achieve their educational goals. LogonTutor does this through finding tutoring assistance for its students when needed from qualified and affordable tutors.

We not only help students, but we also create job opportunities for private tutors. We have over 800 tutors (and growing daily) that come from many different backgrounds and are experts in many subject areas.

Christopher Parham (President)
Vinson Butler (Full-Stack Engineer, CTO)

Chris' Testimony

“As child I learned differently. Growing up, this caused me at times to become frustrated and challenged. This created in me a desire to help others with education. Upon my completion high school, I then obtained my Bachelors of Science degree from the University of Cincinnati. I majored in Business Administration with a focus in Information Systems. It was then upon reflecting on my educational experiences that LogonTutor was founded.

I saw technology as an opportunity to aid the tutoring market in being more efficient and effective for students and tutors. I also sought help from Vinson Butler a fellow University of Cincinnati graduate who majored in Electrical Engineering. Vincent is now the Chief Technology Officer and our Technology Co-Founder. The rest is history!”

We have a passion for helping students succeed

We strive to make sure that we provide the very best services for our students, tutors and parents. We are in the beginning stages of this journey and we ask everyone to continue to support our growth.