Mitchell B.
Passed Background Check
- Available in person only
- Willing to travel 50 miles
Mitchell's Bio & Tutoring Experience
While an instructor in college, I was able to tutor students who needed remediation. This was an especially rewarding experience for me. I've also tutored people preparing for the GED with success.
Mitchell's Expertise
Science: | Anatomy, Biology, Health Sciences, Psychology |
Mitchell's Education & Certifications
I am a registered radiologic technologist with an undergraduate degree in liberal arts from a private liberal arts school. My cumulative grade point average for the major was 3.9.
Mitchell's References
Mitchell's Availability
Day | Date | Time |
Sunday | 12/22/2024 | |
Monday | 12/23/2024 | |
Tuesday | 12/24/2024 | |
Wednesday | 12/25/2024 | |
Thursday | 12/26/2024 | |
Friday | 12/27/2024 | |
Saturday | 12/28/2024 |